QA Features
- Low Frequency Shelving/Peaking.
- Five selectable center frequencies: 50Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 300Hz and 400Hz.
- Mid Frequency Peaking
- Five selectable center frequencies: 400Hz, 800Hz, 1.5kHz, 3kHz and 5kHz.
- High Frequency Shelving/Peaking
- Five selectable center frequencies: 5kHz, 7kHz, 10kHz, 12.5kHz and 15kHz.
- Band Pass Filter: Fixed bandwidth: 50Hz to 15kHz.
- The amount of boost or attenuation is continuously variable from -12 dB to 12 dB.
QB Features
- Low Frequency Shelving/Peaking.
- Seven selectable center frequencies: 30Hz, 40Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 300Hz and 400Hz.
- Low Mid Frequency Peaking.
- Seven selectable center frequencies: 75Hz, 150Hz, 180Hz, 240Hz, 500Hz, 700Hz and 1kHz.
- High Mid Frequency Peaking.
- Seven selectable center frequencies: 800Hz, 1.5kHz, 3kHz, 5kHz, 8kHz, 10kHz and 12.5kHz.
- High Frequency Shelving/Peaking.
- Selectable filter type: Shelving or Peaking. Seven selectable center frequencies: 2.5kHz, 5kHz, 7kHz, 10kHz, 12.5kHz, 15kHz and 20kHz.
- The amount of boost or attenuation is continuously variable from -12 dB to 12 dB.
QG Features
The QG plug-in is a ten-band fixed frequency graphic equalizer divided into one octave increments. The center frequencies of each band are set at 31Hz, 63Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4kHz, 8kHz and 16kHz. The amount of boost or attenuation is continuously variable from -12 dB to 12 dB on all bands.